Friday, May 11, 2012

Genetic Reasoning For Women Getting That Hour-Glass Body

Women Getting That Hourglass Body Shape

Wonderful Workouts For Women - Cardiovascular Weight-loss and Balanced Workout Routines

Invariably between men and women are different in oh so many subtle ways but it becomes almost immediately obvious when it comes to our metabolism. Men metabolize things in a completely different way than do women and so it stands to reason there are going to be different needs in the exercise arena as well.

Wonderful Workouts For Women - Cardiovascular weight loss and balanced work-out routines

In order to burn up body fat much more quickly, women need to do a more broad type of exercise. Meaning they can spread out there workouts into many different techniques targeting many different areas all at once. While this is a great workout when it comes to men they are more in need of targeting their own specific areas individually; especially in particular, in order to get the same results.

Its a slightly misunderstood truth that a woman’s body shape is determined long before certain lifestyle choices that begin to have any impact.

In a very recent research study done by world renown Scientists At the University of Edinburgh, that 13 new regions in female genes that are linked to a woman’s body shape.

This has more of an influence on women than men, deciding factors like where and the amount of fat stored in their bodies.

So genes themselves can decide whether or not a woman has a pear shaped or apple shaped body. This has a lot to do with the different shapes of a woman’s body.

This also has more influence on certain health problems such as type 2 diabetes high blood pressure and heart disease. In comparison, women with those different body shapes, (where the fat is stored in the bum and the upper thighs) have indicated a decreased risk for those above mentioned health problems.

The scientists who researched and located these DNA Gene variations, after an extensive gathering of information from multiple international genetic research studies that involved hundreds of thousands of people; Found it more prominent in females.

To Put it simply the thirteen gene regions discovered to impact the distribution of fat to the waist and hip areas, seven of those has a much bigger impact on females than on men.

These findings are the number one most important explanation for why women have a more difficult time with weight loss. In short, this is a biological reason for why their bodies store fat in those difficult to control areas of the body. Genes, or Genetics are a reason for the women NOT getting that hourglass body shape that they crave.

One would almost say DUH! But keep in mind that before these research studies there was no undeniable proof. There was no proof at all.

Now this does not mean that there is no hope for women to change their body shape. It only provides a more scientific explanation of The Why women have so much trouble with weight issues.

The point to all this in the end is that different exercises are necessary for women than men. Most trainers, workout programs, exercise routines make no difference or provide any alternative.

What a woman wants is very different from what a man wants when it comes to physique and body shape. Women getting that violin body shape is the feminine equivalent to the ‘Male V’ Body shape.

The programs mentioned on our products and recommendations page understand this information. Not only that but have developed DIFFERENT workouts for achieving these very different results.

It is important to a women interested in Getting That Hourglass Body Shape not to end up with a muscular body and get that male V Body Shape. If you are looking for the RIGHT Plan for Getting That Hour-Glass Body Shape <-- Just click It.

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