Monday, May 14, 2012

Specific Exercises For Specific Muscle Types

Exercises For Your Specific Muscle Type
There are exercises that are going to work specifically for your muscle type. What is meant by that? Well, in this article that question will be answered along with a few more. After reading many different books on exercise and fitness I did eventually come across some gems.

Now, as both a writer and fitness enthusiast it seems only polite to give the reference to at least one of those gems. There is a book authored by Michelle Lovitt And John Speraw that is titled, 'The Smart Way To Exercise For Your Muscle Type'. This book comes highly recommended.

It has lead me to the inspiration to write this very article. Basically, one (Of The MANY) tid-bits of information on learning how to exercise for your muscle type is what the book terms as "Fast-Twitch and Slow-Twitch fibers.

Our muscles are a make-up of both types of fibers. However, every body is unique in these muscle fibers. Fast-Twitch Fibers are more directly related to the more extreme powerful actions such as weightlifting, long and high jumping, and quickly pushing to a limit.

Slow-Twitch muscle fibers are responsible for the long term type of exercises that have more to do with endurance. Things like running, walking, swimming, and generally things that test your endurance capabilities.

These little bits of information may not seem interesting to many but technically speaking, from a fitness point-of-view this is revolutionary stuff. It can help you to laser target your workouts to achieve exact results. For example losing weight or gaining weight, putting on muscle and bulk or achieving a more lean chiseled look.

Finding out your personal muscle fiber types can help you to dramatically increase the results and effectiveness of your workouts. Also allowing you to tailor your workout routines to your own personal body type.

Now, regardless of which Twitch-type of muscle you have you are still going to need both aerobic and anaerobic exercises.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Genetic Reasoning For Women Getting That Hour-Glass Body

Women Getting That Hourglass Body Shape

Wonderful Workouts For Women - Cardiovascular Weight-loss and Balanced Workout Routines

Invariably between men and women are different in oh so many subtle ways but it becomes almost immediately obvious when it comes to our metabolism. Men metabolize things in a completely different way than do women and so it stands to reason there are going to be different needs in the exercise arena as well.

Wonderful Workouts For Women - Cardiovascular weight loss and balanced work-out routines

In order to burn up body fat much more quickly, women need to do a more broad type of exercise. Meaning they can spread out there workouts into many different techniques targeting many different areas all at once. While this is a great workout when it comes to men they are more in need of targeting their own specific areas individually; especially in particular, in order to get the same results.

Its a slightly misunderstood truth that a woman’s body shape is determined long before certain lifestyle choices that begin to have any impact.

In a very recent research study done by world renown Scientists At the University of Edinburgh, that 13 new regions in female genes that are linked to a woman’s body shape.

This has more of an influence on women than men, deciding factors like where and the amount of fat stored in their bodies.

So genes themselves can decide whether or not a woman has a pear shaped or apple shaped body. This has a lot to do with the different shapes of a woman’s body.

This also has more influence on certain health problems such as type 2 diabetes high blood pressure and heart disease. In comparison, women with those different body shapes, (where the fat is stored in the bum and the upper thighs) have indicated a decreased risk for those above mentioned health problems.

The scientists who researched and located these DNA Gene variations, after an extensive gathering of information from multiple international genetic research studies that involved hundreds of thousands of people; Found it more prominent in females.

To Put it simply the thirteen gene regions discovered to impact the distribution of fat to the waist and hip areas, seven of those has a much bigger impact on females than on men.

These findings are the number one most important explanation for why women have a more difficult time with weight loss. In short, this is a biological reason for why their bodies store fat in those difficult to control areas of the body. Genes, or Genetics are a reason for the women NOT getting that hourglass body shape that they crave.

One would almost say DUH! But keep in mind that before these research studies there was no undeniable proof. There was no proof at all.

Now this does not mean that there is no hope for women to change their body shape. It only provides a more scientific explanation of The Why women have so much trouble with weight issues.

The point to all this in the end is that different exercises are necessary for women than men. Most trainers, workout programs, exercise routines make no difference or provide any alternative.

What a woman wants is very different from what a man wants when it comes to physique and body shape. Women getting that violin body shape is the feminine equivalent to the ‘Male V’ Body shape.

The programs mentioned on our products and recommendations page understand this information. Not only that but have developed DIFFERENT workouts for achieving these very different results.

It is important to a women interested in Getting That Hourglass Body Shape not to end up with a muscular body and get that male V Body Shape. If you are looking for the RIGHT Plan for Getting That Hour-Glass Body Shape <-- Just click It.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Tailor Made Muscle Maximizing While Getting More From Less

This is an article that I have written for my favorite article directory online.

These are helpful ways that stream-line your workout program getting you more results from less effort. How to begin maximizing your workout effectiveness begins with a set plan that you must stick to. It should be either tailor made for you by your trainer or come from a very reliable source and someone you trust.

Here are Seven different tips to work out more effectiveness from your exercising efforts.

Pay attention to Protein! Protein is very important and its best to drink a protein shake both before and after your workouts. Some people do not pay enough attention to their protein intake and that is just a protein mistake.

It really does not matter how you get it or whichever shake you drink so long as the protein is there. The protein shakes are just a matter of taste, and opinion. some really like whey, while others prefer soy. Your muscles need the protein to grow and rebuild themselves.

That is one of the easier steps in all of this because really all you need to do is pay attention to protein and the rest just seems to come together. Just keep up on it and you will do just fine.

High Intensity Workouts!can also be another way to triple your workout effectiveness. ALWAYS, as we always say around here; Build slowly! endurance is the key and finding your own level of maximum tolerance and intensity. Then bring it up a notch. This will help your determination and build your strength in many ways.

It will also triple the effectiveness of your workouts but in order for this to work you will have needed to find your level slowly and maintained it for a good deal of time without deviated from it. In short, you need to have a form and a limit before you can push it passed that and break boundaries.

Find your time and Shorten Your Workouts to 30-40 minutes. Ever hear of the phrase less is more? This is like the editing process of literature in many respects. Its cutting your fluff or the unnecessary work to yield the best results with the least amount of time spent.

This can be done in many ways and often makes for a benefit for your body's form very fast. It can become the beginning of 'Sculpting' your body. When done properly this can also be used as one of the fast muscle building secrets.

Riddle me this? "It's in the sequence of the lettering" By using all the letters... hijklmno...using every letter it spells a word; what is that word?

Water! The answer H2O!
From H2O comes great strength and power. Make it your favorite drink and drink it often. Keep hydrated with plenty of it through out the day and not just when working out or exercising.

Slower Lifting. My rule of thumb is that just like with the ladies slower is often better. Slow when lifting and releasing and you are maximizing your workout effectiveness by leaps and bounds.

Heavier Weight. This one is simple but always the caution to start slowly and build up safely to your own limit. Obviously only you can know your own limit.

Carbohydrates are also very important. You will need your energy for your workouts that are more intense as well as slower lifting heavier weight.

So there you have you seven different methods for maximizing your workout effectiveness and getting the best results from your efforts. It's also a great little strategy for fast muscle building, specifically for a good looking lean body.

Before attempting any of these suggestions please understand that I am not a physician and as a disclaimer one should consult their regular physician before hand. Some of these exercises or workout suggestions are strenuous and intense and all caution should be taken.

If you are looking for ways to sculpt your body and Quickly Build Muscle and Maximizing Your Workout Effect. <--Click That Link! For More of a "perfect Hollywood Type male V Look.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Maximizing Your Workout Effectiveness

How to begin maximizing your workout effectiveness begins with a set plan that you must stick to. It should be either tailor made for you by your trainer or come from a very reliable and trusted source.

Here are Seven different tips to work out more effectiveness from your exercising efforts.

Pay Attention to Protein Protein is very important and its best to drink a protein shake both before and after your workouts. Some people do not pay enough attention to their protein intake and that is just a protein mistake.

It really does not matter what kind of protein shake you find. They are all good, whichever shake you drink so long as the protein is there. The protein shakes are just a matter of taste, and opinion. some really like whey, while others prefer soy. Your muscles need the protein to grow and rebuild themselves.

That is one of the easier steps in all of this because really all you need to do is pay attention to your protein intake and the rest just seems to come together. Just keep up on it and you will do just fine.

High Intensity Workouts can also be another way to triple your workout effectiveness. ALWAYS, as we always say around here; Build slowly! endurance is the key and finding your own level of maximum tolerance and intensity. Then bring it up a notch. This will help your determination and build your strength in many ways.

It will also triple the effectiveness of your workouts but in order for this to work you will have needed to find your level slowly and maintained it for a good deal of time without deviated from it. In short you have to have a form and a limit before you can push it passed that and break boundaries.

Find your best time and Shorten Your Workouts to 30-40 minutes. Ever hear of the phrase less is more? This is like the editing process of literature in many respects. Its cutting your fluff or the unnecessary work to yield the best results with the least amount of time spent.

This can be done in many ways and often makes for a benefit for your body's form very fast. It can become the beginning of 'Sculpting' your body. When done properly this can also be used as one of the fast muscle building secrets.

Riddle me this? It's in the sequence of the lettering By using all the letters... hijklmno...using every letter it spells a word; what is that word?

Water! The answer H2O!
From H2O comes great strength and power. Make it your favorite drink and drink it often. Keep hydrated with plenty of it through out the day and not just when working out or exercising.

Slower Lifting, my rule of thumb is that just like with the ladies slower is often better. Slow when lifting and releasing and you are maximizing your workout effectiveness by leaps and bounds.

Heavier Weight, This one ism relatively simple and can pretty much speak for itself. But when learning and establishing your limit always air on the side of caution. Try to start slowly and build up safely to your own limit. Obviously only you can know your own boundaries and what you are capable of.

Carbohydrates are also very important. You will need your energy for your workouts that are more intense as well as slower lifting heavier weight.

So there you have you seven different methods for Maximizing Your Workout Effectiveness! and getting the best results from your efforts. Its also a great little strategy for getting fast muscle building. Til next time start small but end big!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Intro For How To Shape Muscle In Wecloming Tone

Welcome to our blog about how to shape muscle in order to look your best. We as people work out for many reasons, but the one Big Boiled down underlying reason the population at large works out is to Look Good!

Here that is our main concern and the content will be centered around "Shaping Muscles" for that purpose.

Working out and body building is an art. Like all art-forms there is a right way of going about it and getting the results you are looking for. One of the main points of this post is to get things started off quickly and presenting introductions for the best possible beginning.

This means a thorough introduction of what we are all about and for safety concerns what will be expected up front. Nothing that is truly worth having comes easy and getting your body to shape the way you want it is no exception.

It will be hard work for some. That being said it is work worth doing and once you get going its actually fun work.

This is a blog For You to get your body into the best shape you want.

Please excuse the pun in the title but it is true that in order to shape muscle you will need to build your muscle tone. In order to shape a lean and sexy body, it's important to work all the major muscles in your entire body on a regular basis as part of your workout routine.

It will not do you any good to work out on specific muscles if you are not accustomed to vigorous exercise. It will actually do you some harm. You should not 'Dive right in' as they say when it comes to body building or muscle shaping. You need to start out slowly and build yourself up gradually allowing your body grow accustomed to the work.

So begin by REGULAR EXERCISE. Jumping jacks, sit-ups, push-ups, squats, and jogging. Do this every other day for three weeks at least. Start off with 20 of everything and 10 minutes of jogging. TIP:(STRETCH FIRST!) Always stretch out before doing any exercise.

Every week increase the number of reps by at least 5 or whatever you feel comfortable with. Go Slow, this is NOT a race. This way there will be no strain on the body and also give you a lot more room for success as well as reduce any risk of injury during your workouts.

I know this may seem like pretty simple, (even obvious) stuff to some veteran trainers out there but in trying to keep with someone as a newcomer its seems worth while to take nothing for granted and start from the ground up.

Okay, so welcome to how to shape muscle and know that you can come back to this blog and find different techniques and information on how to build specific muscles all in the name of the desired result of 'Looking Good.' For now just begin by getting into shape overall.

Please try not to let the construction deter you. More material will be added weekly (if not daily) to help keep up the motivation and spirit of the best methods for maximum results.